Apply to Chick-fil-A
Why Join Our Team?

Whether you are looking to work part-time or start a career with Chick-fil-A, we exist to foster an environment that encourages and challenges team members to become the best version of themselves in every aspect of life: professional, financial, mental, physical, social, and spiritual.
In addition to personal and professional growth, benefits include:
Starting pay: $8.50-13.00
Self-Driven Raises
Closed on Sundays
Health, Dental, & Life Insurance
401K with Matching
Paid Time Off
Free Meals when you work
Flexible Schedules
24/7 Chaplain Care
Catering Discounts
Join Full-Time! To Apply, please
click the button to the right or
Text CFA03074 to 31063
Our Core Values

Before applying, do you think you are a good fit for the Hammond Chick-fil-A? We are looking for people who are Humble, Hungry and Good with People Skills. Do you embody these Core Values? Are you willing to be held accountable to these values?
We always seek to serve the guests before ourselves such as:
We stop what we are doing (stocking ice, on way back from restroom, counting a till, getting our own drink) to serve a customer that is needing something.
We leave the best parking spots for our customer.
We acknowledge and wave to customers when we see them in the parking lot.
When a customer walks in, we acknowledge them and thank them for coming in.
When a guest is waiting to order or waiting for their food, we focus on serving them over anything else.
We show respect to customers by treating them the way we would want to be treated if we’re waiting on something.
We do things with Purpose, not just to do them:
When given a task or responsibility, we do it with our best ability and with a sense of urgency.
When we engage in conversation, we listen genuinely.
When working on a task, remember we ought to do that task correctly and with excellence even when no one is looking.
Committed to Growth
We stay humble and don’t have a sense of entitlement.
We welcome feedback.
We stay hungry to grow sales and serve customers.
We get on board and do not complain about changes to pursue growth and goals. If we have a legitimate concern, we address it with the person who can do something about it instead of complaining about it.
We push ourselves each day to grow our personal and professional skills.
Committed to Stewardship
We hold our vendors accountable for what we pay for- we check to make sure we get what we paid for, we hold them accountable for the work they do.
We treat expenses as if it’s coming out of our pockets.
We recognize that everything we use has a cost- coater on the ground, extra sauces handed out unnecessarily, buns on the ground, too much cheese on Mac and cheese, too much ice cream in a shake- and we recognize we need to be good stewards of what the business buys.
Committed to the Pursuit of Excellence
We welcome and appreciate feedback even if it’s hard to hear.
We strive to do things right all of the time.
We know it’s okay to be wrong and admit when we are wrong.
We don’t whine, complain or make excuses. If we don’t like a policy, procedure, or system, we bring that to someone who can do something about it instead of whining or complaining about it.
We strive to be the best stewards. We try to do more with less and maximize our resources including our own abilities. In order to reduce waste of resources, we ask guests the amount of sauces to receive and we give them what they ask for.
We pick up trash on our way in from the parking lot to demonstrate a care of excellence.
We work really hard to keep our restaurant clean and within food safety standards.
We wear the right uniforms and maintain the highest standards of appearance to create a welcoming environment for our guests.
Committed to the Team
We know the most important contributor to the success of the business is the ability for our team to “row” in the same direction as a one cohesive unit as opposed to a collection of individuals. Therefore, we commit to the team.
We don’t talk about other people behind their back. If we have a problem with another person (team member or leader), we bring that problem directly to that person. If it isn’t resolved, we engage the next level of leadership to get involved.
We talk to and about all team members with honor, dignity, and respect.
When asked, we eagerly and fervently teach and train new team members regardless of our position or pay.
We leave our area clean, stocked and in better condition than we found it for the next team member.
We are willing to serve in any position and do any task that I am asked to do without whining, complaining or making excuses.
We do all we can to maximize profitability so that we can offer the best pay and Benefits to our team.
We create an environment in which team members can grow and know what they can do to grow professionally.
We create an environment where team members treat each other with honor, divinity and respect.
We show up to our shifts on time.
Ready To Launch Your Career?